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Bacterial Vaginosis BV PH Test Devices (INV-1040)
  • Bacterial Vaginosis BV PH Test Devices (INV-1040)
  • Bacterial Vaginosis BV PH Test Devices (INV-1040)
Bacterial Vaginosis BV PH Test Devices (INV-1040)

The Female Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Test kit(Test) is for rapid diagnosis and treatment evaluation of bacterial vaginosis. This kit is intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.

【Series】:Bacterial Vaginosis BV PH Test Devices

The Female Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Test kit(Test) is for rapid diagnosis and treatment evaluation of bacterial vaginosis. This kit is intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.

BV Bacterial Vaginosis PH Test is intended for the measurement of vaginal PH.

The card is characterized by accuracy, simplicity, rapidity and sensitivity. The correlation rate with Amsel reaches 92%, ensuring a satisfactory diagnostic result.

Knowledge of BV PH rapid test kit

An acidic vaginal pH value of 3.8 to 4.5 is a basic requirement for the optimal functioning of the body's own system of protecting the vagina. This system can effectively avoid colonization by pathogens and the occurrence of vaginal infections.An increase in the vaginal pH level to values of over 4.5 decreases the quality of life of women who are affected by this:

constitutes a significant risk to health

increases the risk of premature delivery

Specimen: vaginal secretion

Sensitivity & specificity are> 95%

Sexual transmitted disease rapid test kits

Packaging: 25 cards/box,
Certificate:  ISO 13485
Raw materials is imported from US
OEM packaging is available

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