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DOA drug of abuse test cup
  • DOA drug of abuse test cup
  • DOA drug of abuse test cup
  • DOA drug of abuse test cup
DOA drug of abuse test cup
【Brief】:There is 30 different parameters for DOA drug test kit
【Series】:DOA drug of abuse test cup

There is 30 different parameters for DOA drug test kit:

General parameters(15 pieces) for drug test





Antidepressants)/ OXY(Oxycodone)/ KET(Ketamine)


Special parameters (15 pieces) for drug test

TML(Tramadol)/ K2(spice,SyntheticCannabis,)/MQL


/FYL(Fentanyl)/ACE(Acetaminophen);/Clonazepam (CLO)

/ Tobacco Cotinine Nicotine (COT)/ Diazepam (DIA)/

Ethyl Glucuronide (ETG)/ 6-Monoacetylmorphine(6-MAM)

/ Tenamfetamine (MDA)/ Methylenedioxypyrovalerone

(MDPV)/ Methaqualone (MQL)

CE and FDA certificatre is available

Packaging: one test in one individual big foil pouch

Width: 3.0mm or 4.0mm
Specimen: Urine

On Site Cup

Integrated cup with key

Adulteration strip: PH, S.G, Creatinine, Nitrito, Glut, Oxicants(PCC&BLE)

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